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The White City changed american architecture. It's time to think bigger for developers.

Posted on:February 5, 2024 at 01:00 PM

What is your next big leap for developers?

In 1893, the White City at the Chicago World’s Fair didn’t just capture imaginations; it revolutionized american architecture, setting a new benchmark in design excellence and leaving a lasting influence that extended far beyond its temporary existence. Among those it inspired was none other than Walt Disney, whose dreams of magical kingdoms found a spark in the White City’s grandeur.

This transformative impact reminds me of the seismic shift in developer tools between 2010-2018. Brands like GitHub, Twilio, MongoDB, HashiCorp, and Stripe didn’t just create tools; they redefined the developer experience, integrating seamless marketing, top-notch product design, and exemplary documentation into the very fabric of their offerings.

But just as architecture didn’t stop evolving after the White City, the journey towards enhancing developer experience isn’t over. Today, having good documentation, fluid marketing, and a great onboarding experience isn’t a differentiator—it’s the minimum. The tech community stands on the precipice of needing its next White City moment. It’s not about emulating past successes but reinventing how we engage, support, and empower developers. The question facing us now is, what will be the next monumental leap in developer experience?

I see a lot of organizations reducing Developer Marketing teams, shrinking developer experience budgets and measuring developer marketing only as a growth engine, forgetting that it is shortening deals and building loyalty within accounts. The reality is the platforms and tools that are going to replace the “default” platforms and providers of today are going to syphon away accounts from those legacy companies by treating developers better. The impact of a well-loved and trusted developer brand is measurable, but it requires a monumental leap forward.

Who do you think is taking developer experience to the next level? What do you and your team need to start thinking bigger? What is your companies next big leap for developers?

🤔If you need help formulating a kick-ass developer marketing strategy, I can help. I’ve done it for some of the biggest developer brands on the planet. Book some time with me and we can make your brand one of those that developers love.